Lola Jones wrote:
...Be still and hear the words of the Divine from will sound just like you, only smarter...
Start here
Clear everything that does not bring you joy
These were my words of the divine this morning. I can say “my divine” speaks very loud and clear. The message couldn't have come at a better time too, even though 4 am is a wee bit early for divine messages.
I was glad to see 2017 end- was it just me, or did it seem like the whole world was screaming for help, or maybe just to be heard? Last year brought personal loss of family, friends fighting serious disease, a world that seemed ready to blow at any moment, Mother Earth sure was pissed, and one big, fat existential crisis. Yep, I questioned the very foundation of what my life meant, what was my real purpose, what was I supposed to be doing on this big, beautiful planet?
So I did what any self-respecting INFP introvert would do- I froze. For a year. I couldn't start anything, finish anything, create anything. Nothing came…nothing. But that was last year.
Today feels different, a sense of renewed hope if you will! A frigid January brings a brand new beginning that doesn't feel cliche. After all, I'm still breathing, so I can change what is in my power to change. I can find joy, even if I really have to look hard to find it- it's out there, I feel it.
Today I'm showing up for me.
I'm starting right where I am
I’m clearing myself out- healthy eating, physical clutter, and meditation practice to better “hear” what my soul has to say
I'll let you know how it goes, thanks for listening.